Finally after several years of effort by Board Member Bob Jackson and pervious Board Member CJ Modine, the FAA published two new GPS approaches into our airport in the Sep 20th cycle
- GPS “A” (to Rwy 15) and
- GPS “B” (to Rwy 33).
Both are circling approaches, down only to special VFR minimums, but both are straight-in aligned, with GPS B (33) going down to 700-1 and GPS A (15) down to 780-1.
These approaches will allow IFR filing and arrival into X04, provided the weather is not below SVFR circling minimums (~700-1), which should allow recoveries in almost any weather condition we normally see, except for the few minutes when a thunderstorm is passing directly overhead. The new approaches will allow IFR arrivals to penetrate cloud layers, and will eliminate the current practice of diverting to KLEE or KORL.
Neither of the new approaches is approved for night time use.
Having published GPS approaches into our airport will make it feasible for more corporate and small business aircraft to be based here, and will promote the continued growth of X04.
Click on the link below to access the approaches: